A multichannel video work The Sub­tle Knife by Buxton Contemporary Collection artist Daniel Crooks is showing across multiple screens in Times Square, New York, throughout January as a part of the Asia Soci­ety Tri­en­ni­al ​We Do Not Dream Alone’ program realised in partnership with Times Square Arts. The Sub­tle Knife takes us on a con­tem­pla­tive jour­ney through time and space. Mov­ing slow­ly down a nev­er-end­ing train track, the scenery dis­ap­pears into a series of con­stant­ly reced­ing frames, form­ing a sur­re­al land­scape of alter­nate realms and infi­nite­ly expand­ing possibilities.

For a short interview with the artist visit the Asia Soci­ety Tri­en­ni­al website. Images of the work in situ are also available online.


Image: Daniel Crooks, The Subtle Knife (still), 2016. HD, multichannel video, 2:10 min. Image © Daniel Crooks. Courtesy the artist and Anna Schwartz Gallery

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