In 2018 Buxton Contemporary Collection artist Daniel Boyd, a Kudjala/Gangalu/Kuku Yalanji/Waka Waka/Gubbi Gubbi/Wangerriburra/Bandjalung man from North Queensland, and Edition Office Architects were commissioned to design a new sculpture that recognises the military service of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The pavilion they created was dedicated by Dr Jackie Huggins AM FAHA (Bidjara and Birri-Gubba Juru) in a public ceremony on 28 March 2019.

Titled For our Country, the pavilion is set behind a ceremonial fire pit within a circle of stones. Behind the fire pit is a wall of two-way mirrored glass that reflects the viewer and the Australian War Memorial. This wall is set with thousands of transparent lenses, representing our perception and highlighting our incomplete understanding of time, history, and memory.

For more information about the work visit the Australian War Memorial website.

Image: Concept rendering of For Our Country, a commissioned work by Daniel Boyd.

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