Dylan Martorell Performance

Saturday 21 September, 11am - 2pm
Installation view, Bauhaus Now!, Buxton Contemporary, The University of Melbourne, 26 July –20 October 2019, with Michael Candy, 'Farbenlichtspiele (light/colour/play)' 1923 by Ludwig Hirshfeld-Mack - a reconstruction 2019, Commissioned by The University of Sydney with funds from Penelope Seidler 2019, photography Christian Capurro, © the artist

Join interdisciplinary Melbourne based artist Dylan Martorell this Saturday, as part of the Bauhuas Now! exhibition, as he presents a special durational sound performance activating Michael Candy’s intricate reconstruction of the Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack’s Farbenlichtspiele (colour-light-play) (1923), a proto-performance machine originally designed for interactive play.

Project gallery – Buxton Contemporary
Saturday 21 September 2019 11am-2pm

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